2nd Annual Walk for the Water
To benefit the conservation of the lake, and to enjoy the beautiful Pretty Lake Walking Path, let's all go out for a walk. On Saturday, Sept. 4, at 8:30 am sharp, walk participants will begin at their own Pretty Lake homes or may begin at the Pretty Lake Conservation Club, and walk at their own pace around the lake in a clockwise direction. We will follow along the 2.6-mile Pretty Lake Walking Path all the way around the lake. All registrations must be dropped off* by August 21, or mailed** and postmarked by August 21. The registration fee includes a t-shirt, based on a Pretty Lake shirt that was popular years ago. The shirts will be adult men sizes. Child sizes are also available. The shirts may be picked up at Pretty Lake Cottage 113 (4670 S930 E)on Sept. 3, from 5 pm to 8 pm, or on Sept. 4 from 10:30 am to noon. You can order a shirt even if you will not be participating in the walk.
Registration Fee:
$20 per person; $10 per child age 12 and under.
*Drop off registration and payment on weekends to:
Craig Bobay, Pretty Lake Cottage 113.
**Mail registration and payment to:
Craig Bobay, 2127 Florida Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46805.
All checks payable to: Pretty Lake Conservation Club.
Questions? Email: craigbobay@gmail.com
Registration form and other information is available at: https://prettylake.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/pretty_lake_wftw_form_2021.pdf
or https://prettylake.org