42nd Annual Beer Bottle Open

Where: High School, 201 Cross St., Columbus Grove OH
When:  @ 
Who: Terry Schnipke (cg_schnipke@cg.noacsc.org)
This is a four mile race all on the roads through our small town and into the country with very little repetition. Race
features a very flat, fast course with plenty of prizes. Glass mugs to
the top 20% of each age group. Cash prizes for the top three males and
  Every participant receives a free bowl of hobo stew following the race.

Race will begin and end in downtown Columbus Grove about one block from the high school which is located at 201 W. Cross St. in Columbus Grove, OH 45830.

Packet pick-up and race day registration is in the high school gym from 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Race day registration will close at 1:45 p.m.

There is NO additional fee for race day but there is no guarantee of receiving a t-shirt if you do not pre-register.