43rd Annual Beer Bottle Open

Where: 201 N. High St, Columbus Grove, Ohio
When:  @ 
Who: Terry Schnipke (cg_schnipke@cg.noacsc.org)
Columbus Grove, OH. Race starts and finishes near Millers Lunch in downtown Columbus Grove.

WHEN: Saturday, March 13, 2021. Race starts at 2:00 p.m.

REGISTRATION: Columbus Grove H.S., 201 W. Cross St. Registration starts at noon.

COURSE: 4 miles, flat, fast course, all on roads. Course is certified. (#OH 83007 PR).

AWARDS: Prize money will be awarded to the top 3 male and the top 3 female overall finishers.

ENTRY FEE: $25 with shirt; $15 with no shirt. Shirt sizes only guaranteed if pre-registered. Size selection will be limited on race day. No shirts will be mailed after the race.
Pre-registration deadline will be March 5th.
BBO mugs will be issued to the first 130 people to pre-register.