6th Annual New Haven 10K

Where: 1614 Glencoe Blvd New Haven, IN US 46774
When:  @ 
Who: Mike Clendenen (mclendenen@newhavenin.org)
$20 before July 20th or $25 up to race day.
Online registration will end at midnight, July 27th. You will still be able to register onsite Friday evening and Saturday morning at Jury Pool.
Packet pick-up will be from 5-7 p.m. Friday, July 29tht at Jury Pool.
For those that cannot make the Friday night packet pick-up, you may also pick up your packets starting at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Race will start and finish at Jury Park. Runners and family will get to spend a couple hours in Jury Pool after the race until 11:30 a.m. Anyone going into the water must have proper swimwear (no street clothes).
Also every runner will receive a t-shirt (those that register by July 21)