Blarney Shamrockin' Shuffle

Where: Downtown Toledo, Ohio
When:  @ 
Who: Clint McCormick (

Its official. Friday evening before St. Patricks Day, the Blarney Irish Pub is presenting this annual 3 mile shuffle and going for a Guinness World Record, Largest Kilt Race (sports kilt). Come to run or walk, but come to have fun and be part of this record-breaking event. When youre done, join the ongoing celebration inside downtown Toledos Blarney Irish Pub party tent to celebrate the accomplishment.

All participants will be chip timed. The course will be open for one hour after the start.

*Be sure to register by the guaranteed kilt deadline (March 7th), so you ensure getting one and being included in the record books. You must pick up your kilt at early packet pickup, or race day packet pickup and must wear it during the race for the record to be official. All kilts not picked up by 8pm on race day will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis to those who registered after guarantee date, and havent already received a shirt. Kilts will be available for purchase by non-registrants and registrants wanting more than one.

ITS A KILT PARTY Were celebrating St. Paddys Day by going for a Guinness World Record.

Start Time: 8:00pm
Course Open: 1 hour
Maximum Field: 2,200 Runners
Minimum Age: 21 on Race Day