Canal Days 5K

Where: 9898 Paul Stemmler Pkwy, New Haven, IN, United States
When:  @ 
Who: Larry Stemmler (
A 5K race to promote Wellness programs.
$20 before June 1st or $25 up to race day. Online registration will close on June 7th, but race day registration on site will be accepted.
Student (high school or younger)- receive t-shirt and chance at winning age group prize for only $15 before June 1st, use coupon code Student to receive discount starting on January 1st.
Fort Wayne Running Club Member - receive t-shirt and chance at winning age group prize for only $17 before June 1st, use coupon code FWRC to receive discount starting January 1st. Must bring FWRC Id to race check-in.
Participants may pick up their race packets either on Friday evening at the Schnelker Park Concession Stand, Friday, June 9th from 5-7 p.m. or Saturday morning between 7:15-7:45 a.m. at the pavilion by the tennis courts in Havenhurst Park.
The race will start at 8:00 am in Havenhurst Park and will finish in Havenhurst Park.
Start on Paul Stemmler Parkway
Turn left onto N. Rufus St.
Turn left into Rose Ave.
Turn right onto Green St.
Turn right onto Powers St.
Turn right onto Broadway st.
Turn left onto River Greenway Path that leads to Moser Park.
Follow path all around Moser Park and take path back to Broadway.
Turn right onto Rose Ave.
Turn left onto N.Rufus St.
Turn right onto Paul Stemmler Parkway to finish line

Awards will be given to the overall Male & Female and the top finishers in the following age groups:
14 & younger, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, & 60 and older