Enchanted Acres 5K Run/Walk
Whether you're looking to burn off one too many bite-sized candy bars or just get into the spirit of the season, the Warren Health & Fitness Enchanted Acres 5K is sure to be a spooktacular event. The course winds through 3 different enchanted, eery woods totaling over 80 acres. You can walk or run, it’s sure to spooky fun.
Participants are encouraged to wear their costumes and prizes will be awarded for best costume, top sponsor and best decorated section.
Sponsors are encouraged to decorate their designated stretch of the course but not required. If you are interested in being a sponsor please contact Warren Health and Fitness at (260) 375-4840.
Pre Registration (t-shirt included) $15 (Cut off date is October 20)
Registration $20 (October 21st-Day of Event)
A waiver will need to be signed day of event.
#EnchantedAcresWarren #WalkRun #5K #SpookyFun