Fleet Feet Plogging Earth Day Challenge

Where: 5661 Coventry Lane ,Fort wayne , IN 46804
When:  @ 
Who: Kevin Croy (kevin@fleetfeetfortwayne.com)
April 22nd is National Earth Day and Fleet Feet Fort Wayne has a Social Distancing Event for you! It is our 2020 Fleet Feet Plogging Challenge. The definition of Plogging: It is the combination of Jogging while picking up trash. Plogging was started in Sweden and now has become all the rage in Europe. So Fleet Feet is bringing Plogging to Northeast Indiana.
Plogging is an easy and a fun community activity to do.
* Walk/Run in your neighborhood
* Do this while Social Distancing/Individually
* Bring a Trash Bag
* Pick up Litter while Running/Walking
* Post a Picture on Instagram
* Tag Fleet Feet Fort Wayne on Instagram/Facebook @fleetfeetftw
Those Plogging participants who post a picture with their bag or bags of trash collected after their run/walk will be entered into a Fleet Feet Fort Wayne Gift Card Raffle.

So on April 22nd help the community, stay safe, stay healthy and have fun! And don't forget to tag us! You could Win!!