Frozen Forest FREE Off Road Run

Where: Huntington University Cross Country Course
When:  @ 
Who: Mitch Harper (
The Frozen Forest Off Road Run will be at 9:00 am, Saturday January 18th, 2020 at the cross-country course of Huntington University.

It is a "pop-up" event. Best part - it's FREE.

That's right. There is no registration cost. We do ask you let us know you are coming by going to Eventbrite and letting us know. But if you show up the morning of the race, that is fine, too.

It is a bit of a give-back for the support of all the runners we know.

The cross-country course is located off US 24 just west of Parkview Huntington Hospital at Stults Road and Gragg Street. Turn south at the US 24 stoplight at Stults Road (N 200 W). Turn west at Gragg Street (near Crestview Middle School).

There is one "suggested" thing we would urge you to do but it is not required. We'd like to see participants wear at least one item of green clothing or some buffalo check (aka buffalo plaid) clothing. Could be a shirt; could be a jacket; could be a hat; or, maybe you could get a pair of those cool limited edition plaid Brooks running shoes. Look like a lumberjack if you will . . . a Forester.

In any event, we'll have cookies, water, sport drink and maybe something warmer to drink at the finish. We'll time the race but expect the timing may be a bit of old school pull tags or even popsicle sticks.

Race starts at 9 am. Please start arriving at around 8 to 8:30. Course will be marked with flags and/or signs. And the course measures more or just a little bit less than a 5K. Indeed, we'll aggregate people's GPS measurements to check out the distance.

There will be some mud back in the woods; a couple little water crossings and a lot of fun with your fellow runners.

If it is cold, we may have a few propane heaters and some mylar blankets available.

Oh, and one other thing. For the cost of zip, nada, not a dime - you may even walk away with a classic t-shirt. How's that? It could be about anything from races in the past. This is an opportunity for race directors to clear out the closet of clean, never worn, extra t-shirts. We invite other RD's to bring shirts to give away. Those shirts not taken will be offered to one of our local runners - and teacher - to distribute to his students who may want one . . . or two . . . or more.

Come see what Huntington University Cross Country's Head Coach Nick Johnson and Assistant Coach Curtis Hines have accomplished in design and care of this outstanding cross-country course.