KPC Sprint Triathlon, Duathlon & 5K Trail Run
The KPC sprint-distance Triathlon/Duathlon/5K Run is set for Saturday, July 21, 2018, with race-time at 7:30 a.m. (Gather at beach 7:15 a.m.).
This competitive sprint-distance race, great for both veteran and novice athletes is staged at beautiful Bixler Lake just north of Fort Wayne, with 500-meter lake swim, 12.75-mile bike race including highway straightaway. The 5-K cross-country style run course includes some grassy side hills, woods trails and a run through the active windmills of the Mid-America Windmill Museum, before finishing in the park.
Lakeshore Athletics of Chicago offers high-quality chip timing.
The triathlon includes individuals plus two or three-person teams, Athena (women 165 lb. and over) and Clydesdale (men 220 lb. and over). All events include youth ages 15-17.
The swim and run are laid-out in a spectator-friendly fashion, and the park setting, includes children’s play equipment to entertain younger spectators.
The race accepts up to 300 bikes.
Co-sponsors include KPC Media Group Inc., Kendallville Rotary Club, the City of Kendallville and the Cole Family YMCA.