Running is Not Canceled Virtual Pub Run

Where: 5661 Coventry Lane , Fort Wayne , IN 46804
When:  @ 
Who: Kevin Croy (
Free Virtual Pub Run from Fleet Feet Fort Wayne. Run will start at 6pm each Wednesday starting April 1st. Limit of 100 participants. Each participant will run on their own from home for approximately 3 miles. ( Note if you wish to run more miles we suggest that you start your run prior to 6pm also if your pace is slower than 10:00 minutes we suggest that you also start early based upon your pace so you can get settled in & join us for our Fleet Feet Virtual Pub on Zoom Meetings at 6:30pm) The Pub segment of our Virtual Pub Run will start after the run at promptly 6:30pm on Zoom Meetings. You will need to go on the link below. The meeting ID is 395-825-852 .

So go out and run and then afterwards bring your favorite beverage wear your favorite partywear and setup your favorite online party/pub/bar back-round for our 40 minute Virtual Meeting Pub Run! We will share our favorite beverages, how we are all coping with social distancing & stay at home etc.
Those who participate will be entered into a live drawing for free giveaways! One lucky participant with the craziest drinking costume will receive an exclusive limited edition Fleet Feet Victory Beer Bomber. Another lucky participant with the best on screen Pub Background will also be awarded an exclusive limited edition Fleet Feet Victory Beer Bomber. Also we will draw for a third Fleet Feet Bomber at the next Pub Run for the most original social media post. Make sure to #runningisnotcanceled or #togtherwemove. And finally everyone who participates will be entered into our final surprise Fleet Feet Goodie Bag drawing!

Share with your friends! Have them join us!

Look forward to seeing you there!