Points Races

Points Series

NOTE: In the event that multiple race distances are offered, only the longest distance will count towards Points & IronRunner Series Award requirements.
IronStrider participants may choose ANY option, longest or shortest. Example: Running/ walking the 5 mi at both NutriRun and Riley would qualify

1. Eligibility for the points races

Membership must be paid before or on the day of the "Fanny Freezer 5k" to be eligible to earn points in our annual Points Series.

2. Age group placement

This is determined by your age at the start of the race year (January 1st) and will be group you will go into for the race year. Example: You are 44 on January 1st, 2019, in March you turn 45. Your points be calculated in the 40-44 age group.

FWRC Age Groups
19 and under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and over

3. Point distribution

Races will award points based on your placement. Your placement is only relative to FWRC members that participate in the event.

1st = 100, 2nd =85, 3rd=70, 4th=55

5th=45, 6th=35, 7th=25, 8th=20, 9th=15, 10th=10


4. Awards

We will recognize at the annual banquet all that complete Ironrunner Series, Ironstrider Series and/or the top three finishers of their age group in the points series.

5. Race volunteer

At least 50 points of volunteer activities must be completed in order to qualify for the Ironrunner or Ironstrider awards. A maximum of 100 points of volunteer activities may be earned.

Please do not wait until the end of the year to fulfill your volunteer requirement. Your commitment to volunteer must be established prior to the event. Volunteer opportunities can be found at specific races on RunSignup.com (click "MORE v" and "VOLUNTEER").

Opportunities include:

FWRC Volunteer Opportunities

  25 pts

 50 pts

 100 pts

 FWRC Race Packet Pick-up




 FWRC Race Course Marshall




 FWRC Race - Water Station




 FWRC Race - Post Race Clean-up




 F4F Kit’s Club – same as FWRC Race




 Greenway Clean-up Participant




 FWRC Membership Info Table




 Representing FWRC at local event (expos, health fairs, Open Streets, etc)




 Standing Committee Volunteer (Race Committee or Coordinator)




 Banquet Volunteer




 Other as specifically approved by the Board





 If you have any questions please contact the race director, send us a message or email to find out how you can help.